National Service Scheme (NSS)

 In India, the idea of involving students in the task of National Service dates back to the times of Mahatma Gandhi, the father of the nation. The central theme which he tried to impress upon his student audience time and again was that they should always keep before them, their social responsibility. National Service Scheme (NSS) has been playing a very important role in enriching the souls and minds of the students of the college since extensive time. The overall objective of this scheme is Education and Service to society and by the community. It is a scheme for students to provide to the needs of the community, as and when necessary. It will also help the students to converse with society. The students joining this scheme build up many behavioral interactive skills. They visit the rural areas as NSS volunteers during the camps organized by the college. The NSS volunteers take initiative in developing a Technocratic Environment and also help the deprived people to develop themselves. The scheme promotes the aptitude to present them in an improved way. Thus the eventual goal of the scheme is to endeavor to inculcate the bond of patriotism, national integration, brotherhood, gender equality, communal harmony among these volunteers. 


 The first duty of the students should be, not to treat their period of study as one of the opportunities for indulgence in intellectual luxury, but for preparing themselves for final dedication in the service of those who provided the sinews of the nation with the national goods & services so essential to society. The College students actively participate in social service activities leading to their overall development. The college runs effectively the National Service Scheme (NSS). Through these schemes, the institution undertakes various extension activities in the neighboring communities. At present, the strength of the NSS unit is of 150 volunteers. Every year the college selects a neighboring village in the vicinity, organizes a camp for seven days and takes up cleanliness, village survey, Tree Plantation, Women Empowerment, Environmental Awareness and other constructive works. During the last five years, the NSS volunteer has organized camps in Inamgaon, Ganegaon Dumala, Tandali,Bhairu-Pharatewadi,Pimpalsuti Several of the noteworthy activities were carried out by NSS volunteers, which include tree plantation, water conservation through digging of contour trenches, digging of pits for construction of toilets in the village, Watershed management activities etc. The impact is, the villages have got new green coverage, increased groundwater level, cleaner roads and surroundings and importantly villagers learned the significance of rainwater harvesting, the camps and awareness programs have improved their understanding about various social issues.
Prof.Jayram S.Pawar
(Programme Officer)
(Area Co-coordinator NSS Shirur Tehsil)

Objective of NSS Motto of NSS NSS Symbol NSS Advisory Committee